News from WFSA – Autumn 2017 novembro 3, 2017 root Anaesthesiologists unite for World Anaesthesia Day This year’s campaign, raising awareness and support for the essential scale-up of “human resources for anaesthesia”, was a huge success with thousands of people getting involved in more than 70 countries! Between incredible social media participation, and the answering of our World Anaesthesia Day Anaesthesia Capacity Survey, anaesthesia providers made their voices heard and helped the WFSA gather data that will be essential for our future advocacy work. A big thank you to all of the Member Societies who actively got involved on the day! To read more please click here. Registration open for first ever SAFE-T Summit The first ever SAFE-T (Safe Anaesthesia For Everybody – Today) Summit will take place on Friday 13th April 2018 at the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM), London. The event aims to advance the global patient safety agenda, and will bring together leading providers from the perioperative team to highlight the importance of working together to address the healthcare challenges identified by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. T one day Summit will contribute to safer anaesthesia, surgical and obstetric care around the world. World-renowned experts will open sessions with theme-setting presentations. Facilitated group discussions will develop recommendations and identify practical ways forward. To learn more about the event, the speakers, and registration please click here. Palestine Anaesthesia Teaching Mission (PATM) volunteer shares his experiences Dr Moiz Alibhai travelled to Palestine in summer 2017 “During my first week I was placed at Al Makassed hospital in East Jerusalem. Colleagues here were keen to learn to use the department’s ultrasound scanner for regional anaesthesia. We performed an adductor canal block for the first time for a patient undergoing traumatic knee surgery. By the end of the week, these guys were getting really good at it. The following week, I received photos showing them performing an adductor canal block on a patient undergoing knee surgery.” To read more please click here. SAFE courses held in Nepal, Tanzania, India, and Papua New Guinea The WFSA ran several Safer Anaesthesia From Education (SAFE) courses over the summer months. SAFE Obstetrics courses were held in Nepal and Tanzania in partnership with the Laerdal Foundation. Additionally, the first SAFE Paediatrics course held in India was run in Telangana State in August, in partnership with Masimo, with positive feedback from the course participants. The WFSA also assisted SAFE Obstetrics courses in Papua New Guinea and Samoa. Are you looking for self directed continuing medical education? Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week (ATOTW) is a free online educational resource published by the WFSA in English, Chinese, French, Portuguese and Spanish, offering hundreds of short and concise self-directed tutorials in various specialty topics. All ATOTW learning modules published since July 2017 include an online interactive quiz and corresponding certificate that can be used to claim CME/CPD points from your accrediting body. To view the tutorials please click here. Interesting articles A selection of interesting articles on anaesthesia and/or global health that have been published since August 2017: FREE: Update in Anaesthesia: Volume 32 (WFSA, August 2017) FREE: The WFSA Global Anesthesia Workforce Survey (Anesthesia & Analgesia, September 2017) FREE: The Need for a Global Perspective on Task-Sharing in Anesthesia (Anesthesia & Analgesia, September 2017) FREE: Human Resources in Anesthesia: The Road to 2030 (Anesthesia & Analgesia, September 2017) FREE: Digital innovations and emerging technologies for enhanced recovery programmes (British Journal of Anaesthesia, July 2017) FREE: History of anaesthesia: The ketamine story – past, present and future (European Journal of Anesthesiology, September 2017) FREE: Aaesthetic management of patients with myopathies (European Journal of Anesthesiology, October 2017) Fund A Fellow Donate to the Fund A Fellow campaign and help us train 500 Fellows and reach over 1 million patients by 2020! Whether big or small, your support will directly help to fund each fellow’s education and training. Please donate today.